Jakarta, 13 December 2018– Chevron Indonesia participated in the Indonesian Pavilion at the 24th United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) in Katowice, Poland, 3-14 December 2018.

Chevron Indonesia was selected and invited by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) to participate and present its corporate social responsibility programs in environmental conservation and its contribution to the achievement of United Nation Sustainable Development Goals.

In line with the COP 24 theme ”Changing Together” and the Government of Indonesia’s theme ”Climate Change, Society Change: Let’s Work Up and Team Up”, the Indonesian Pavilion showcased not only the Government of Indonesia’s policies and programs in environmental conservation and the UN SDGs achievement, but also efforts and activities performed by other stakeholders, such as non-governmental organizations and private sectors.

Manager Social Performance Chevron Indonesia Pinto Laksono had the opportunity to speak at ”The Role and Actions of Private Sectors in SDGs”, session, alongside representatives from the Ministry of Environmental and Forestry (KLHK), Dr. Krisfianti Linda Ginoga, Head of Forestry Research Center, Elim Sritaba, Director of Sustainability and Stakeholder Engagement, Asia Pulp and Paper, and Dioh Suradireja of Yayasan Kehati, on 7 December.

Through its corporate social responsibilty programs, Chevron Indonesia contributed in 14 of 17 UN SDGs. Specific to the contributions associated in climate change, namely Goal 14: Life Below Water, since 2007, Chevron has been actively participating in supporting the marine biodiversity conservation in East Kalimantan. Working with several organizations, namely The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Yayasan Kehati, Chevron supported marine ecosystem conservation and coastal community awareness education programs in Derawan Islands as well as a sustaianable eco-tourism program in Maratua Island.

In addition, in supporting the achievemnt of Goal 15: Life on Land, Chevron Indonesia collaborated with several partners in terrestrial biodiversity conservations programs, among others are Green Corridor Initiative (GCI) at the Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park (TNGHS), Telagasari city forest rehabilitation effort in Balikpapan,and 80-hectare mangrove rehabilitation program in Penajam. Recently Chevron, TNC and several other organizations collaborated in the Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Alliances (MERA) program. The program is aimed to reduce the vulnerability of national resources and coastal communities through an effective mitigation strategy implementation to address the climate change challenges.

On 14 December, the last day of the event, Chevron Indonesia, represented by Sr. VP Policy, Government and Public Affairs Wahyu Budiarto and Sr. Technical Authority Remediation Project Don Stelling, will speak at the “Corporate Responsibility on Environmental Management” session.

“We are honored to participate at the COP 24. This annual conference is a prestigious event, where key policies and decisions related to environmental protection and conservation are made. We are here to show our support to the Government of Indonesia. Through our partnership with the Government and other organization, we demonstrate how private sectors can play a significant role in contributing to the achievement of UN SDGs in Indonesia,” said Wahyu Budiarto.

Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies and through its Indonesian subsidiaries, including PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, has been present in Indonesia for 94 years. With the ingenuity and commitment of highly skilled and dedicated employees, and through these subsidiaries, Chevron leads as one of Indonesia's largest producers of crude oil. From onshore oil fields in Riau, Sumatra we have produced more than 11 billion barrels of oil to meet the energy needs of Indonesia's growing economy. In operating the oil and gas blocks in Indonesia, the companies work under the supervision and direction of SKK Migas based on Production Sharing Contract terms. For further information about Chevron in Indonesia, visit www.indonesia.chevron.com.

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Kontak: Sonitha Poernomo, Jakarta, +62 811 8519273, sonithapoernomo@chevron.com



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Contact: Sonitha Poernomo, Jakarta, +62 811 8519273, sonithapoernomo@chevron.com

press release Chevron Supports Environment Conservation and UN Sustainable Development Goals