PT CPI’s Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship

Rumbai, 26 April 2019 – More than 200 community members will attend Orientation and Entrepreneurship Classes to improve the quality of local human resources. Those classes are part of the Vocational and Entrepreneurship Trainings Program that was rolled out by PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) since December last year.

The opening of the Orientation and Entrepreneurship Classes took place at the Riau Caltex Polytechnic (PCR) Auditorium on Friday (26/4). The event was attended by the representative of SKK Migas Sumbagut; Head of Placement and Training Division of Riau’s Manpower Office Happy Yarlis; representative of Riau’s Education Office Dr.Hj. Nila Resmita M.Pd; Director of the Institut Kemandirian Dompet Dhuafa Agus Abdurrahman Usman, and Director of PCR Dadang Sihabuddin.

The Orientation Class aims to strengthen participants' motivation and understanding of the upcoming training phase. Meanwhile, the Entrepreneurship Class aims to introduce entrepreneurship, including how to start and manage a business.

"The program does not only touch technical skill issue, but also to boost participants’ motivation and mental preparation to become though entrepreneurs," said Sr.VP Corporate Affairs PT CPI Wahyu Budiarto. The vocational trainings in this program are sewing, food processing, computers, automotive, and welding. The number of participants is expected around 300 participants.

The participants came from various districts/ cities around the PT CPI’s areas of operation in Riau Province. Through the Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Program, PT CPI intends to promote self-reliance and entrepreneurial opportunities for the community. PT. CPI collaborates with the Institut Kemandirian Dompet Dhuafa as the implementing partner of the program which will last until August 2019.

The stages carried out by this program are initial assessments; socialization; recruitment and selection; vocational training; internship; graduation / graduation; and job training. Orientation and Entrepreneurship classes are held for participants who want to enter the training and internship stages.

The Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Program is part of the PT. CPI in the field of economic empowerment. In addition to economic empowerment, other fields that are the focus of the social investment program of PT. The CPI is Health, Vocational Education and Training, as well as Environment and Biodiversity.

press release To Promote Community’s Self-Reliance, Technical and Soft Skills