PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI), along with several other corporations, supports magrove and its ecosystem conservation program initiated by Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN), an affiliation of the Nature Conservancy. During MERA Media EXPOSÈ, an event held on May 23 in Jakarta, YKAN introduced its partners.


Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration Alliance (MERA) is a partnership platform that works in synergy to save and conserve mangrove forest. MERA’s work program is based on scientific assessment which serves as a guideline in developing the mangrove forest master plan restoration. The master plan is a key element in supporting the establishment of mangrove forest as an ecosystem.


Mangrove ecosystem is considered as the most important ecosystem in the offshore area. It is estimated that 80 percent of fish caught in global fishing is dependent to mangrove ecosystem, both directly and indirectly. The dense state of mangrove root and the surrounding vegetation play a crucial role in filtering water from waste and other pollutants to produce clean water.


Indonesia is used to be known to have the largest mangrove area in the world, as vast as 3.556 million hectares, according to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Ironically, Indonesia has the fastest mangrove ecosystem destruction rate in the world. Today, 33.55 percent or 1.193 million of mangrove area in the country is in critical condition. Most of the mangrove ecosystem has been converted into fisheries cultivation and other development areas.


Mangrove forest has 3-5 times more capability in absorbing carbon monoxide compared to tropical forest. A hectare of mangrove forest can absorb approximately 1,000 tons of carbon monoxide. Thus, saving and conserving mangrove ecosystem is critical in fighting climate change. And it is everyone’s responsibility to join the force, including local and national government, state-owned corporations, private sector companies, and non-government organizations.


Align with Chevron’s value, “protecting people and the environment”, PT CPI is committed in supporting MERA program. “We are proud to participate in the MERA program, partnering with YKAN and other major corporations, to support the Government of Indonesia’s program in environment protection and biodiversity conservation, in particular mangrove ecosystem conservation. Together with YKAN and Riau Provincial Government, we plan to replicate the mangrove ecosystem conservation program, which is now currently underway in Jakarta Bay are, in the mangrove area of Dumai and Bengkalis, Riau. A study on offshore restoration master plan in both areas has started earlier this year and it is expected to be completed by end of year. We are hopeful that the program implementation can begin in 2020,” said Wahyu Budiarto, Sr. Vice President Corporate Affairs.


The MERA program is currently underway in Suaka Margasatwa Muara Angke (SMMA), or Muara Angke Wildlife area. SMMA is a 25-hectare mangrove forest area in Angke Kapuk, Jakarta. It is estimated that the city only has approximately 300 hectares of mangrove forest left. All is located in Angke Kapuk area.


The MERA program works in stages, which include the development of area management master plan; detail design engineering for infrastructure development that complies with conservation principles; ecosystem restoration plan; infrastructure development preparation; and development of environment education modules.


Aside from PT CPI, since it was launched in July 2018, the MERA program is also supported by Asia Pulp & Paper (APP/Sinar Mas), Indofood Sukses Makmur and, soon, Djarum Foundation will join the alliance.


Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies and through its Indonesian subsidiaries, including PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, has been present in Indonesia for 95 years. With the ingenuity and commitment of highly skilled and dedicated employees, and through these subsidiaries, Chevron leads as one of Indonesia's largest producers of crude oil. From onshore oil fields in Riau, Sumatra we have produced more than 11 billion barrels of oil to meet the energy needs of Indonesia's growing economy. In operating the oil and gas blocks in Indonesia, the companies work under the supervision and direction of SKK Migas based on Production Sharing Contract terms. For further information about Chevron in Indonesia, visit  


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Contact: Sonitha Poernomo, Jakarta: +62 811 8519273;  

press release Saving Mangrove Ecosystem, Chevron Supports YKAN’s Conservation Program