PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) and four leading universities in Riau signed Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to educational assistance. Those four universities are Universitas Riau (Unri); Riau Islamic University (UIR); Universitas Lancang Kuning (Unilak); and Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau (Umri).


The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding took place in Pekanbaru on Friday, March 15, 2019. The event was attended by the Head of SKK Migas Sumbagut Avicenia Darwis, representatives of the Riau Provincial Education Office, the chancellors of the four universities, and the management of PT. CPI.


This assistance aims to improve the quality of education and the capacity of lecturers and students from a number of majors at the four universities. This Memorandum of Understanding is part of the University Relationship Program (URP), one of PT CPI’s social investment programs. As stipulated in the Memorandum of Understanding, the majors that will receive educational assistance are Unri’s Chemical Engineering; UIR’s Petroleum Engineering; Unilak’s Electrical Engineering; and Umri’s FMIPA Chemical Engineering.


The URP has been running since 2010. The educational assistance includes activities to improve the quality of human resources such as guest lecture, seminar, field trip, and journal publication.


"Together we can see the same path and with the same spirit to achieve a common goal. So that education in Riau Province will be progressing to move Indonesia forward in order to produce something bigger,'' said Head of Sumbagut SKK Migas Avicenia Darwis in his remarks.


"Through this URP, we intend to help improving the major’s accreditation at each university. The primary goal is to participate in the human resources development in Riau Province," said Winu Adiarto, GM External Affairs PT. CPI in his speech. "We believe that improving the quality of human resources is the key to a self-reliant and welfare of the community," said Winu.


PT. CPI is a Production Sharing Contract Contractor (PSC Contractor) of the Government of Indonesia that manages Rokan Block in Riau. In operating the oil and gas blocks in Indonesia, Chevron is working under supervision of SKK Migas. With the ingenuity and commitment of highly skilled and dedicated employees, Chevron Indonesia leads as one of Indonesia's largest producers of crude oil to meet the energy needs of Indonesia's growing economy. For further information about Chevron in Indonesia, visit .



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Contact Person: Sonitha Poernomo, Manager Corporate Communications, Jakarta | Phone: +628118519273 | Email:  


press release PT. CPI Signs MoU with Four Leading Universities in Riau - Educational Assistance Program to Increase Major’s Accreditation

The chancellors of four Riau’s leading universities pose together with the Chairman of SKK Migas Sumbagut Avicenia Darwis (fifth from left) and the representatives of PT. CPI management at the University Relationship Program (URP) MoU Signing event in Pekanbaru on 15 March 2019.