SKK Migas – PT CPI launch WFD 2020 Program

Pekanbaru, July 2, 2020SKK Migas – PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) continues to support the growth of human resources in Riau province. This year PT CPI is conducting its Workforce Development (WFD) Program with training and certification for young workers, including high school and vocational school graduates and microbusiness owners.

WFD 2020 training subjects and certifications are based on industry needs and the Industry 4.0 era. Approximately 200 program participants selected from 1,200 applicants are coming from districts and cities throughout Riau. PT CPI appointed Politeknik Caltex Riau (PCR) as the program executor partner.

“The goal of this program is to support the government in increasing skills and competencies among young workers,” said Albert Simanjuntak, President Director of PT CPI. “Indonesia’s demographics must be balanced with sufficient skill and expertise in its workforce to stay highly competitive.” WFD 2020 aligns with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Gerakan Link and Match policy to increase the relevance of vocational education to the working world and industry.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, WFD 2020 launched virtually on Thursday, 2 July. Speakers included Edy Natar Nasution, vice governor of Riau; Dr. Ahmad Saufi, director of Partnership and Alignment of Business and Industry World, with the Ministry of Education and Culture; and Sulistya Hastuti Wahyu, deputy of Business Support with SKK Migas.

Vice Governor Nasution welcomed the WFD program for its potential to build the skills and competencies of the younger segment of Riau’s workforce and to change industry and the entrepreneurial world. Sulistya Hastuti Wahyu of SKK Migas said that this kind of program will have a multiplier effect in the upstream oil and gas industry, adding that “SKK Migas and members of KKKS, including PT CPI, have been responding to local community needs.”

The four fields of training and certification in WFD 2020 are Ahli Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (AK3, or Health Expert and Work Safety in English); Cisco Certification Network Associate (CCNA); MikroTik Certification Network Associate (MTCNA); and Zahir Accounting. Almost every industry needs AK3 certification. CCNA and MTCNA competency is useful to workers with skills in computer network infrastructure management. And Zahir Accounting could become the effective and efficient solution to corporate financial recording.

Training and certification can be done virtually. Any necessary face-to-face interaction should follow health protocols. The safety and health of everyone involved in the program is the main priority.

Last year, the WFD program was conducted in two parts: training and certification for heavy equipment operators and AK3; and vocational and entrepreneur training for the design and fashion field, food processing, computer, bike shop and welding. WFD has been part of PT CPI’s social investment in education and vocational training. Other focus areas are health, economic empowerment, environment and biodiversity.

press release equipping a young workforce in industry 4.0