Reconstruction aid post earthquake and tsunami disaster

Jakarta, July 27, 2020  In two public ceremonies in July, Chevron and it’s employees in Indonesia handed over reconstruction aid to communities in West Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi provinces. Provided in response to the 2018 earthquake and tsunami, the aid includes facilities and equipment for Puskesmas Pembantu (Supplementary Public Health Care) Plus, also known as Pustu Plus. For the first time ever in these two provinces, care provided by a nurse, midwife and doctor is available under one roof.

Pustu Plus handover ceremonies were held virtually, one at Medana Village on July 27 and the other at Beka Village on July 7.

press release Chevron provides aid for health facilities in West Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi

“The two Pustu Plus facilities show our employees’ and company’s empathy toward our brothers and sisters in West Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi who are affected by the disaster,” said Wahyu Budiarto, senior vice president of Corporate Affairs for Chevron Pacific Indonesia. “Hopefully, this facility will be able to help the reprovisioning of a worthy public health service.”

Budiarto explained that funding for development originated from employee contributions that were matched (essentially doubled) by Chevron. Pustu Plus facilities were built in Medana Village in the North Lombok district of West Nusa Tenggara and Beka Village in the Sigi district of Central Sulawesi to replace buildings damaged by the earthquake.

“Our regent greatly thanks Chevron and its employees,” said Radin Nurjati, Pelaksana Harian (daily executive) Region Secretary. “This Pustu Plus was built during the crisis when we were unable to rebuild much of our infrastructure.” Nurjati, who attended on behalf of North Lombok Regent Dr. H. Najimul Akhyar, stated that the North Lombok regent office, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Regional People's Representative Assembly) and Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (Region Official Work Unit) are still utilizing temporary offices.

Sigi Regent Muhamad Irwan Laptat agreed. “Without the help from others, Sigi would not be able to finish the recovery of facilities and infrastructure damaged by the earthquake in 2018,” he said. “Therefore, we are very thankful for the aid from Chevron and its employees. Now we do not need to travel so far to receive adequate health service”.

For long-term continuity, Chevron emphasized the importance of local district support, especially from the public health service, in the form of health workers, management and facilities maintenance. Chevron hopes that the Pustu Plus facilities will be managed well and serve as examples of success for the establishment of other Pustu facilities.

Chevron’s implementation partners for each Pustu Plus location were Dompet Dhuafa and Yayasan Kemanusiaan Muslim Indonesia. Development started in the fall of 2019. The buildings were constructed according to safety standards and designed to be earthquake-resistant and provide easy access for elderly people and people with disabilities.

In addition to developing the Pustu Plus facilities, Chevron provided aid to West Nusa Tenggara and Central Sulawesi during the earthquake emergency in 2018. Chevron’s support came via the nonprofit institutions Mercy Corps, Save the Children and Aksi Cepat Tanggap. Together with other energy companies, Chevron also provided medicine, medical personnel and food through efforts coordinated by SKK Migas.