Education program by PT CPI

Pekanbaru, July 14, 2020  PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) consistently supports the progress of the Sakai Tribe community. On Tuesday, July 14, at the Riau governor’s office, PT CPI announced that it would provide more than 2,000 school kits to Sakai Tribe students. 

The ceremony was attended by Riau Vice Governor Edy Natar Nasution, SKK Migas Temporary Official Chief Representative Sumbagut Haryanto Syafri, PT CPI GM Corporate Affairs Asset Sukamto Tamrin, public figures and young people of Sakai.

“Thank you to PT CPI who continues to care for others, especially the Sakai Tribe community,” said Vice Governor Nasution. “With this aid, students of Sakai will be motivated to learn and achieve their goals.”

School kits will be distributed to students in elementary, secondary, and high schools    near PT CPI’s operations in the Siak and Bengkalis districts, including the subdistricts of Kandis, Minas, Mandau, Bathin Solapan, Talang Muandau and Pinggir. Each student will receive a uniform, backpack and school shoes. In this program, PT CPI collaborates with Himpunan Pemuda Pelajar Mahasiswa Sakai Riau (HPPMS-R) in preparing and distributing the kits.

“This aid is a symbol of our consistency in supporting the education of the Sakai Tribe children,” said Mr. Tamrin from PT CPI. He expressed his hope that the supplies will encourage children to study more and will ease parents’ financial burdens when the new academic period starts. “And may more Sakai Tribe children be among the great people of the future,” he said.

The partnership between PT CPI and the Sakai community has endured for decades along with the oil and gas industry in Riau. Many community empowerment programs are part of the partnership’s history, including programs for scholarships, integrated agriculture, cow farm development and the support of Sakai Tribe cultural festivals. Since 2001, more than 400 Sakai freshmen have received university scholarships through PT CPI efforts.  

“For a long time, Caltex and Chevron have provided educational aid to our children,” said Ahmat Sakai. “This is very valuable, and we will remember it forever. It lifts our children’s spirits in their studies.”

press release Distribution of 2,000 school kits to Sakai Tribe students