press release PT CPI empowers waste bank groups

Waste bank management

by giving technical assistance and equipment support

Pekanbaru, May 11, 2020 — To promote a cleaner environment and provide economic benefits for local communities, PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) introduced its waste bank management program to four waste bank groups from four subdistricts in Pekanbaru, Siak and Bengkalis. Working with LPPM Universitas Lancang Kuning (Unilak) to implement the program, PT CPI provided technical training, equipment, assistance, monitoring and evaluation.

“Through this program, we hope to help government and local communities manage waste and provide economic benefit at the same time,” said Sukamto Tamrin, GM Corporate Affairs Asset for PT CPI.

On Monday, May 11, PT CPI presented the Bank Sampah Berkah Abadi group of Rumbai Pesisir in Pekanbaru with a Mitsubishi Colt (T120ss) vehicle, plastic waste washing machine, plastic waste crusher machine, 100-kg capacity scale, hydraulic press machine, chalkboard, brochure, uniform and safety boots. The presentation was attended by Syamsudin, the subdistrict chief, and Latifa Siswati, the head of LPPM Unilak.

In his speech, Syamsudin expressed his appreciation for the aid, stating that its use would help increase local community income and improve trash management. “I hope Bank Sampah Berkah Abadi group is able to optimize this splendid aid to increase the group’s income and produce creative recycled products,” he said.

In a separate event, PT CPI presented a computer and printer through LPPM Unilak to support Berkah Abadi waste bank group operations.

Before participating in PT CPI’s intervention program, Bank Sampah Berkah Abadi group simply provided temporary collection of waste that would eventually be landfilled. After the training and equipment aid supplied by PT CPI, the group is targeting approximately 1,000 households to become regular customers.

The waste bank management program is one of PT CPI’s social investments in the environmental and economic empowerment fields. The program launched in 2015, starting with a pilot project at Pematang Pudu village center of Mandau in Bengkalis. This project is run by Bank Sampah Pematang Pudu Bersih, an environmental venture group, and focuses on increasing awareness and promoting participation in household and community waste management.

In April of this year, PT CPI provided waste bank management equipment to the Bank Sampah Pematang Pudu Bersih group in Mandau and program training to the Bank Sampah Berkelana and Bank Sampah Induk Pelangi groups in Siak.

Other PT CPI social investment programs in the environmental field include mangrove conservation with Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara, elephant conservation with Perkumpulan Gajah Indonesia, and the Desa Pedulo Api program in Siak and Rokan Hilir in collaboration with Badan Restorasi Gambut (BRG).