*Prepared three advanced COVID-19 programs

Jakarta, 25 August 2020 -- SKK Migas - PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) continues to support the communities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. After distributing various emergency assistance in Riau, East Kalimantan and DKI Jakarta, PT CPI will soon launch three recovery programs to build community resilience in different fields.

The three programs are related to food resilience (recovery), health promotion (preventive), and emergency preparedness assistance. The program implementation starts from August until the end of this year. With these additional programs, the total assistance during this pandemic period reached Rp. 11.6 billion.

"Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we have supported and contributed to the efforts of the government and related institutions so that the community can be protected from virus exposure. We will also implement additional recovery programs that focus on strengthening the capacity of the community and health workers in Company's operation areas. The goal is to help the community to adapt to new condition and new sets of behavior," said Wahyu Budiarto, Sr. VP Corporate Affairs PT CPI.

For programs related to food resilience, PT CPI will align with government programs to support local farmers impacted during the pandemic. In the health sector, the program is designed to support the government's efforts to provide access to clean water and strengthen hygienic and healthy behavior of people at the grassroots level through a series of educational activities.

The third is a program related to emergency preparedness assistance. This assistance is in the form of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers, hospital beds and food packages for community needs. The assistance will be distributed in coordination with the COVID-19 Task Force, both at the district/city and provincial levels.

Previously, SKK Migas - PT CPI had distributed around 2,000 decontamination clothing (hazmat suits); more than 165,000 face masks; 6,000 bottles of hand sanitizer; 73 medical beds and mattresses; infrared thermometers; and 3,700 staple food packages. All assistance was given to seven districts / cities in Riau, two districts / cities in East Kalimantan and DKI Jakarta.

PT CPI also inspires the spirit of volunteerism of employees and their families through their respective communities, such as alumni ties, women's employee networks, women's associations and others. Voluntarily, they raise funds and distribute aid to thousands of residents, such as PPE, multivitamins, milk, hand sanitizers, public sanitation facilities, food packages, and disinfectants.

press release SKK Migas - PT CPI distributes total assistance of Rp 11.6 billion