press release reviving MSMEs during the pandemic

SKK Migas – PT CPI give aid, from training to production facilities

Pekanbaru, February 1, 2021 – The public’s decreased buying power due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had a big impact on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), or Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). According to the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises data crisis center, sales among MSME entrepreneurs in Indonesia has deflated by 55% during the pandemic.

In response to the downturn, SKK Migas – PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI) has launched a program to help revive MSMEs. The effort involves providing 12 community groups near the PT CPI operating area in Riau with capacity-building enhancements, technical skills training and aid for increasing production.

December 2020 training session for MSME entrepreneurs from Duri as part of the SKK Migas – PT CPI partnership with FLipMas Batobo.

December 2020 training session for MSME entrepreneurs from Duri as part of the SKK Migas – PT CPI partnership with FLipMas Batobo.

“The pandemic isn’t just about a health problem,” says Sukamto Tamrin, GM Corporate Affairs Asset PT CPI, “It impacts the economy. Through the provided programs, we hope to help MSME entrepreneurs revive their businesses and grow their independence.”

The 12 aid recipients are from the Pekanbaru, Minas, Duri, Dumai and Rokan Hilir areas. The program started in November 2020 and is designed to modernize the concept of the sustainable economy-based community, or Masyarakat Berbasis Ekonomi Berkelanjutan (MOBE). SKK Migas – PT CPI is partnering with the Science and Technology Forum for the Batobo Local Community, or Forum Layanan Iptek bagi Masyarakat (FLipMas) Batobo, in Riau-Kepri territory as the program executor. The forum is managed by academicians from public and private universities and focuses on research and development and community services.

Before receiving aid, the groups were asked to identify their current challenges and potential solutions. Responses helped with determining suitable forms of aid based on real-world needs. Consequently, aid has varied based on the type of each group’s entrepreneurship and included cattle, a plastic pelletizing machine, paper shredder machine, sewing machine, well drills, tractors, and more. Each group was also provided training to enhance their skills.

Yanti Sarmi, manager of the Khairunnisa Community Activity Unit in Duri, said the program contributed to the increase of her group’s production capacity. Her group was given sewing machines, and now Yanti and her coworkers have increased daily production from 5 units to 15 units.

“The aid is exactly what we need now,” says Yanti. “Alhamdulillah, with this aid we are able to heave a sigh of relief.”

Head chief of FLipMas Batobo Riau-Kepri territory Dr. Padil explains that the local community was excited to attend the skill enhancement training. Program recipient groups received complete training, starting from the organizational aspect and including finance, marketing and technical training according to each group’s need. FLipMas Batobo will continue to monitor the groups to ensure the program goal is achieved.

Varied programs in pandemic period

In addition to MSMEs training, PT CPI runs other programs to support the government in overcoming the impacts of COVID-19. Chevron for Riau’s Health and Prosperity, or Chevron untuk Riau Sehat dan Sejahtera (Cherish), focuses on sustainable food, clean water well development and subdistrict COVID-19 alert empowerment, collaborating with higher education, private nonprofit agencies and government.

Currently PT CPI is training 20 farmers groups as part of supporting the government’s sustainable food program, partnering with Riau University’s Research and Community Service Institution, or Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Riau. The groups are given digital marketing training through Trisakti University’s Center for Entrepreneurship, Change and Third Sector (CECT).

In 2020, PT CPI and the Peat and Mangrove Restoration Board, or Badan Restorasi Gambut dan Mangrove (BRGM), trained 10 farmers groups at Rokan Hilir and Siak peat fields. The effort will continue in 2021 with help for peat farmers from 11 villages in Kampar, Bengkalis and Dumai.