siaran pers Teknologi Steamflood Enhanced Oil Recovery Mendorong Peningkatan Produksi Lapangan Duri

Fasilitas proyek injeksi air EOR di Lapangan Duri

Jakarta, Indonesia, July 2018 – Oil producers around the world are applying advanced Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies to increase production and prolong the life of mature fields – and one of the best examples is Indonesia’s Duri Field managed by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI).

Advanced EOR technologies involve injecting gas, steam or chemicals into an underground reservoir to push out more oil. The Duri Field has applied steamflood technology since 1985 to increase recovery of heavy oil. It is one of the largest steamflood developments in the world.

Ilmy Razanindra, a petroleum engineer at PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia who works on the Duri project, explains how the technology works: “Heavy oil is thick and has a very high viscosity, or resistance to flow, which can make it difficult to extract,” says Razanindra. “At Duri, steam is injected near the base of the reservoir through an injection well. The steam vapor rises toward the top of the reservoir. The steam transfers heat to the cold heavy oil, reducing the viscosity and making it more mobile so it flows to production wells,” Razanindra said.

PT CPI is a pioneer in the implementation of safe and efficient steamflooding operations, which enables the Duri Field to produce five times more than conventional drilling technology. EOR technology in Indonesia is continually being improved.

PT CPI has access to technology and worldwide expertise of Chevron, an industry leader in enhanced oil recovery. Chevron has a long history in gas EOR field applications and currently operates projects at the supergiant Tengiz Field in Kazakhstan, Rangely Field in Colorado, conventional oil projects in the Permian Basin in Texas, and Agbami Field offshore Nigeria.

Chevron’s 119-year-old Kern River Field in California has been under steamflood since the 1970s. Chevron invests time, money and talent to continuously improve steamflooding. New horizontal wells in California, for example, yield 10 times more oil than conventional wells.

Chevron is one of the world's leading integrated energy companies and through its Indonesian subsidiaries, has been present in Indonesia for 94 years. With the ingenuity and commitment of highly skilled and dedicated employees, Chevron Indonesia leads as one of Indonesia's largest producers of crude oil. From our onshore oil fields in Riau, Sumatra and our offshore fields in East Kalimantan, we have produced more than 13 billion barrels of oil to meet the energy needs of Indonesia's growing economy. In operating the oil and gas blocks in Indonesia, Chevron is working under supervision of SKK Migas based on Production Sharing Contract term. For further information about Chevron in Indonesia, visit

Contact: Danya Dewanti | | Phone:+62811894229





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