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For Safety Reason, PT. CPI Clears Out Area along Oil Pipelines

PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT. CPI) will carry out maintenance and repair works on its oil pipelines in Bukit Kapur District, Dumai.


Chevron Announces $562,500 for Earthquakes and Tsunami Relief Efforts

The Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit (IBU) announced a total contribution of $562,500 (approx. IDR 8.4 billion) in support of relief efforts for Lombok, Palu, and Donggala earthquakes and tsunami.


Kevin Lyon named Managing Director of Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit

The Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit (IBU) today named Kevin Lyon its Managing Director, effective October 1, 2018.


Steamflood Enhanced Oil Recovery Drives Increased Production at Duri Field

Oil producers around the world are applying advanced Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies to increase production and prolong the life of mature fields – and one of the best examples is Indonesia’s Duri Field managed by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI).


PT.CPI Partnership with Indonesia Creates Jobs, Benefits Communities and Generates Government Revenues

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia’s (PT CPI) 94-year partnership with Indonesia has created local, high-quality jobs that raise income levels, delivered social investments to benefit local communities and generated close to $200 billion in government revenues.


Chevron Received ITB Awards

Chevron receives Ganesa Wirya Jasa Adiutama awards from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for Chevron’s contribution to the country development and ITB improvement. It was awarded by ITB Rector Kadarsah Suryadi during the 98th Anniversary of Technical School in Indonesia at ITB West Auditorium, Bandung on July 4, 2018.


Dumai wharf as the gate of Indonesian oil distribution

Dumai wharf, built by PT CPI and has been operated since 1958. It has helped Dumai City development and the industry growth. Besides built an oil wharf, PT CPI also built storage tanks, office, housing complex, sport facility, and schools. This is the first wharf in Indonesia that is certified for The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code and received a Gold Medallion for international high standard.


Duri Field: The Backbone of Oil Production in Indonesia For 77 Years

For 77 years, Duri Field is still delivering best performance as one of major oil producer in Indonesia. Through steam flood technology, the production of this field is five times higher compares to the production achieved by the conventional technology. Duri Steam flood technology in the first project in Indonesia and one of biggest projects in the world.


Sakai Youth Leader's Dialogue with President

Mus Mulyadi, 43, a youth leader of Sakai Tribe at Pematang Pudu, Duri, was having dialogue with President of Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo. The dialog was conducted during opening ceremony of the 42nd Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention and Exhibition in Jakarta.


Chevron Appreciates Indonesia’s Efforts to Improve Oil and Gas Investment

Chevron appreciates SKK Migas and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM)’s efforts to improve the competitiveness of oil and gas investment in the country. It is conveyed by Managing Director Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit Chuck Taylor at the Plenary Session 1 of the 42nd Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Convention and Exhibition in Jakarta.
